

  • 7
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 福建省 厦门 海沧区 泰地海西B座1507
  • 姓名: 孙经理
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定

    瑞恩RELIANCE ELECTRIC编码器H2310240032XX06企业品牌

  • 所属行业:机械 其他行业**设备
  • 发布日期:2019-11-05
  • 阅读量:176
  • 价格:111.00 元/个 起
  • 产品规格:H2310240032XX06
  • 产品数量:111.00 个
  • 包装说明:原装正品假一赔十
  • 发货地址:福建厦门海沧区  
  • 关键词:H2310240032XX06

    瑞恩RELIANCE ELECTRIC编码器H2310240032XX06企业品牌详细内容

      瑞恩RELIANCE ELECTRIC编码器H2310240032XX06企业品牌
      It is becoming increasingly apparent in industry, as users try to get the most of their equipment and devices, that it’s the manufacturers of those assets that hold a wealth of knowledge about how they should run. With the development of a smart sensor, RELIANCE Motors and Mechanical (formerly Baldor Electric) is taking advantage of a historic strength to help its customers get the most out of its mounted bearings.
      随着用户试图获得他们大部分的设备和设备,这一点在工业界越来越明显,是这些资产的制造商掌握了他们应该如何运行的丰富知识。随着智能传感器的发展,RELIANCE电机和机械(原Baldor Electric)正利用历史优势,帮助客户充分利用其安装的轴承。
      “Who knows those bearings better than we do?” commented Artur Rdzanek, product manager for sensor technologies, Dodge mechanical products at RELIANCE. “We want to add additional features to that knowledge.”
      “谁比我们更了解这些轴承?“RELIANCE公司道奇机械产品传感器技术产品经理Artur Rdzanek评论道。“我们希望为这一知识添加其他功能。”瑞恩RELIANCE ELECTRIC编码器H2310240032XX06企业品牌
      The RELIANCE Ability Smart Sensor for Dodge mounted bearings, part of the RELIANCE Ability Digital Powertrain, enables health checks for the bearings typically used in conveying applications in mining, aggregate and cement, food and beverage and other industries. The sensor’s algorithms can assess the condition of bearings from vibration and temperature information to provide an early indicator of any potential problems.
      A bearing running hot, for example, can indicate that proper lubrication procedures are not in place. Vibration issues can indicate potential system problems.
      “We have tens of millions of these bearings across the globe,” said Matt Frady, general product manager for mounted bearings at RELIANCE. “We can put this sensor on those bearings, and start collecting data.”
      “我们在**拥有数千万个这样的轴承,”RELIANCE安装轴承总产品经理Matt Frady说。“我们可以把这个传感器放在那些轴承上,然后开始收集数据。”
      The smart sensor easily mounts to the bearing and communicates wirelessly via a smartphone or other device. This capability keeps employees safe, enabling easy access to the health data of bearings in locations that might be difficult or dangerous to reach.
      瑞恩RELIANCE ELECTRIC编码器H2310240032XX06企业品牌
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      As part of RELIANCE’s efforts to listen to the voice of the customer, Frady said, the sensor addresses how important issues with reliability, unplanned downtime and safety are to end users. Customers were also looking for ways to easily monitor the health of their bearings—remotely or otherwise. To improve safety, they wanted to be able to eliminate employees having to physically inspect the bearings.
      It’s also a key way for this motors and generators unit of RELIANCE to step into the digital world. The smart sensor is part of RELIANCE Ability, which RELIANCE launched two years ago as a branding for its collection of digital products and services.
      Signaling an effort to be part of a changing digital landscape, the RELIANCE Ability Smart Sensor is a project that’s been more than two years in the making, according to Rdzanek. “We had to break some technical barriers,” he said. “But these changes will not stop; they will even accelerate.”
      As RELIANCE examined its Dodge mechanical power transmission products, mounted bearings looked to be the best starting point for entering the digital domain, Rdzanek said. Not only does RELIANCE have a mounted bearing installed base of tens of millions, but bearings are a critical component of the overall system and are the first indicator of potential system problems.
      The smart sensor works not only on RELIANCE’s Dodge mounted bearings but on competitor models as well, Rdzanek noted. He demonstrated how easy the sensor is to install, and retrofitting is made easy with a special adapter. He also emphasized its competitive price (starting at $250), particularly given that it includes complete access to the RELIANCE Ability digital platform without added subscription costs.
      RELIANCE hosted a media event in Bolingbrook, Illinois, where it unveiled the RELIANCE Ability Smart Sensor for mounted bearings.
      The Smart Sensor, designed to improve safety and reliability and minimize downtime and costs, was a culmination of 137 customer reviews and about 850 hours of discussion.
      “The new Smart Sensor for mounted bearings is a conditioned monitoring device that will help customers reduce downtime,” says Vasilios Kapousidis, development engineer for mounted bearings at RELIANCE. “It’s easy to use, prevents unexpected shutdowns and improves safety.”
      “安装轴承的新型智能传感器是一种有条件的监测设备,它将帮助客户减少停机时间,”RELIANCE安装轴承开发工程师Vasilios Kapousidis说。它使用方便,防止意外停机,提高安全性。瑞恩RELIANCE ELECTRIC编码器H2310240032XX06企业品牌
      The company took a customer-based approach when developing the Smart Sensor: It wanted a product that could apply to every industry it serves, including the mining, aggregate, food and beverage, air handling and bulk material handling industries.

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